ielts writing task 2

IELTS Writing | How to write an Argument Essay – Video 4 of 4

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This is the final video in English Ryan’s four part series on how to write an IELTS argument essay. Watch the four part series in sequence to get a clearer picture on his approach to writing an argument essay.

I like Ryan’a approach to the construction of an argument essay, however I think that there are also other, simpler ways to break down the structure of an IELTS argument essay…


81 thoughts on “IELTS Writing | How to write an Argument Essay – Video 4 of 4”

  1. You can also add the word “However”, after the word expected in the
    recommendation sentence. Nice video. Clear and concise.

  2. Ryhan I like your all video which are related to ielts. They are really
    sucessful such as your accent is understandable, strategies are really
    efficient. I took the ielts exam 4 times but I never have got 6.5 overall
    bands. İn particular my writing 5.5-5.0. And I think these videos should be
    beneficial to learn the wrting style. Thanks very much.

  3. As a result of your video which is about how to write an argument essay, I
    became more familiar with writing and understanding how to write like such
    paragraphs. For that, I would be very thankful if you can accept my very
    simple gift which is 5 stars to encourage you to keep doing the good job! I
    hope this paragraph is acceptable 🙂

  4. thanx!Mr.Ryan.its a great help and have you post any task one video.i tried
    to search but i could not found. again thanks.

  5. superbbbb!!!!!!!!!!!! thnx a ton for this video!!!!!!! tomorow is my xam
    and i hope i would do well in essay part!!

  6. Did your instructor give you an essay format to follow? If not, follow the
    argument essay format I provide in these videos and write 4-5 supporting
    paragraphs. You’ll be fine… Good luck!

  7. It’s funny how a computerized teacher disagreed the idea discussed in this
    video. Lol! Jokes apart, for this video I Liked, bookmarked and shared.
    It’s been more than 3 years since I took the IELTS exam. I am sitting for
    my next on 3rd December. Please wish me luck. And, thanks a lot for
    informative posts. P.S: This is the first and only channel I ever
    subscribed on YouTube. Thanks a lot Ryan Cheers!

  8. Thanks Mr. Ryan your lesson about argument essay is really helpful for me
    in preparation for my IELTS exam… hope I did well, about to find out
    today what my score is… Thanks so much!! really appreciate your videos…

  9. This part of IELTS exam takes 40 minutes to be finished, and I really like
    this tutorial very much. You were able to assist us, your viewers to have
    the full knowledge on writing with just a length of time. Thank you very
    much sir. 😉 [I’ll be taking an IELTS exam next week.]

  10. Hi, EnglishRyan………your videos and way of delivering the language is
    Awesome. it seems like someone is teaching you directly by sitting at front
    of you. Really appreciate your work. Keep it up and thanks.

  11. thank you very much probably may not be aware how much good work
    you are doing. i got 7 bands in writing just by following your guidelines
    .thanks for work again .

  12. IT’S SO HELPFUL!!! Your videos do save me!!! BTW, do you have any tutorial
    videos on Account Essay? Thank you so so much!

  13. Your presentation makes writing essays seem easy. The key to this as you
    pointed is being systematic. I will try to apply this on all my practice
    essays . Thank you for your wonderful efforts in helping us to achieve

  14. i’ve been told that in these questions one has to present both arguments
    for and against the given topic. But your essay deals with only one side of
    it. Also i want to ask whether we can present more than one idea in a
    single par. I was wondering why u excluded the third arguing point

  15. It looks so easy to do it, Mr. Ryan but with the undertime pressure, I
    don’t think I can do it. Anyway, may God give me more confidence and

  16. your videos are hepful but I have to write a 1000 word aurgument essay on
    whether or not the drinking age in America should be lowered.

  17. thank you this is really helpful, i am having a test in 2 1/2 weeks, its
    already improve my writing skill eventhough i just notice this channel an
    hour ago. thank you

  18. This is excellent. I typed it as note for further use in my class. Thanks
    for your kind attempt. Best Wishes! God Bless you and all behind the

  19. Thank you a lot ,your tips are the best !!!!!! my exam is within 2 weeks
    and I hope well , by the way today is my birthday happy birth day to me
    lool 🙂 .

  20. Hi Ryan, I hope if you noticed this, or if someone else has raised this
    point earlier also, but just wanted to tell you that there are 247 words in
    this essay, oopssss 🙂

  21. clear.concise and engineering like teaching style.The cutting into pieces
    is somewhat like that of an engineer’s way of solving a problem.

  22. I have one question for Mr.Ryan and it is “aren’t you suppose to write
    counter argument in the 2 or third paragraph.”

  23. Mr Ryan, i really like your structure it made very easy to fill up words
    requirements what we need. Can you please help me with following questions.
    1: Conclusion in each paragraph and conclusion at the end, Does it make
    more sentences for conclusion than required in essay? 2: Essay that should
    contain around 250 words, how many supporting paragraph we should have in
    it? 3: Does same style work for General as well as Academic writing? Thank
    you for your efforts to help student around the world

  24. hi ryan this information is really helpfful for me as others .we all
    appriciate your work.great job thnx a lotttt

  25. Thank you very much for the upload. This is the only Essay Writing
    Instructions I can understand in a very simple way. I will be taking an
    exam in a month and I am very confident this will be very helpful to me.

  26. You only disagreed because you know if technology replaced actual teachers
    you will lose your job xP I was joking, but thanks for the tips, they are
    very valuable. My exam is tomorrow. So afraid 🙁

  27. Wonderfull videos, very informative, can we use the same format for when
    taking the CBEST( california basic educational skills test. Please Help I
    have my test June 13 Thank you

  28. Hey Ryan! Thank you so much for the online lessons here in youtube. They
    are really excelent and useful to me. I think you explain Writting very
    well. We are very lucky to have excelent English teachers such as you and
    Jennifer ESL to explain many topics of English Language to us. Best wishes.

  29. Ryan! I like the procedure you guide to the learners, however, it still
    lacks some techniques of using vocabulary. And, is it a mistake of
    ‘ANALIZATION’? I never heard it, and I did check dictionary 🙂 Anyway, what
    I felt about IELTS is OVER requirement for international students somehow.
    I believe that native speaker students can’t do it well like it is required
    for international ones. And for non-native English teachers, they have to
    achieve 9.0 to work in British Council.You think native can?

  30. Actually, English is not my native language, for that cause, I have thought
    that it is very hard to write anything in English, specially for IELTS
    writing module. But now, really ,really and really my thinking has changed
    because I have got confidence for writing. and that was possible only for
    Mr. Ryan. and I think he has done a great job for all IELTS candidates. a
    lot of thanks

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