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EnglishRyan: A lesson where we write an argument essay together following IELTS guidelines. All four parts are about 35 minutes together. This is part one.
This video on how to write an IELTS argument essay is one of a four-part series of videos by EnglishRyan. What I particularly like about this set of videos is the way EnglishRyan breaks down the entire process of planning an IELTS argument essay.
The first stage is about identifing the scope of an argument essay. Then it is about forming a claim and coming up with the proof. Finally one determines their position, to agree or disagree and writes to that. Here, he has taken the “disagreement” position because (as he says) with this essay it is just easier to write.
I completely agree with his approach here, because from my perspective the planning of your IELTS essay is the crucial first step. Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.
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